This newsletter was generated on the 22-11-2022.
The figures below are showing data for the period 01-11-2022 to 15-11-2022.
Until today, Thetis sampled 3099 depth profiles on Lake Geneva. In this Newsletter we show 52 profiles, so just 1.68% of the recorded data. The complete data set is available at Datalakes.
While the salinity and conductivity sensors are under maintenance, we are happy to report that the new rain gauge on our automatic weather station is now live and included in this and future issues. Since the temporal resolution is very high for our weather data, you might need to zoom in a bit to discover the blue bars. But we promise they are there. We will experiment with the visualisation of that variable and what works the best going into the future. We further exchange the salinity plot for chlorophyll anomalies, showing you when and where we have more phytoplankton than usual.
From the displayed data, we see a slow return to normal lake water temperature conditions, with air temperatures dropping ever so slightly. Nevertheless, the upper lake levels are still quite a bit too warm. We see at least two atmospheric fronts and their storms passing by the platform, with elevated wind speeds, wave heights and precipitation. Those events mixed the lake down to 35 meters and pushed low oxygen water up while distributing heat further down the water column.
Data from the Thetis profiler:
Water Temperature in °Celsius
Water Temperature Anomaly on daily esolution with respect to to the available daily climatology from Thetis so far in Kelvin
Dissolved Oxygen mg/L
Oxygen Saturation in %
Chlorophyll A in μg/L
Chlorophyll A Anomaly on daily esolution with respect to to the available daily climatology from Thetis so far in μg/L
Backscattering of light 700 nm in 1.e-2 m-1, representing zooplankton or larger particles in the water
Data from the automatic weather station:
Air Temperature in °Celsius
Wind Speend in m/s
Precipitation in mm
Data from the wave buoy:
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