This newsletter was generated on the 31-01-2023.
The figures below are showing data for the period 10-01-2023 to 24-01-2023.
Until today, Thetis sampled 3306 depth profiles on Lake Geneva. In this Newsletter we show 26 profiles, so just 0.79% of the recorded data. The complete data set is available at Datalakes.
Thetis continues to collect data in a season that was never sampled by Thetis before. This makes the sampled data extra valuable for future research (and future newsletters), but does not allow us to show you the daily anomalies for this issue.
Since Thetis was under maintenance for a large part of the period shown, we only sampled a few data points since the last issue released. But what we can see is a very stratified lake with minimal biological activity, slowly getting colder. Air temperatures dropped below freezing with high wind speeds but low wave heights, pointing towards cold northerly winds, also known locally as La Bise .
Data from the Thetis profiler:
Water Temperature in °Celsius
Water Temperature Anomaly on daily resolution with respect to to the available daily climatology from Thetis so far in Kelvin
Dissolved Oxygen mg/L
Oxygen Saturation in %
Chlorophyll A in μg/L
Chlorophyll A Anomaly on daily resolution with respect to to the available daily climatology from Thetis so far in μg/L
Backscattering of light 700 nm in 1.e-2 m-1, representing zooplankton or larger particles in the water
Data from the automatic weather station:
Air Temperature in °Celsius
Wind Speend in m/s
Precipitation in mm
Data from the wave buoy:
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