This newsletter was generated on the 06-06-2023.
The figures below are showing data for the period 16-05-2023 to 30-05-2023.
Until today, Thetis sampled 3690 depth profiles on Lake Geneva. In this Newsletter we show 51 profiles, so just 1.38% of the recorded data. The complete data set is available at Datalakes.
End of May we see the lake below our platform being impacted by yet another wind-induced mixing event. The windy episode of May 17th/18th was shuffling up cold water to the surface layers. We can see an incredibly cold water temperature anomaly for this time of the year of around -4 Kelvin close to the surface on May 18th/19th. But the mixing did not only have an impact on the water temperature.
At the same time we can see rather negative Chlorophyll A anomalies, reflecting the reduced Chlorophyll A concentration in the water masses that were shuffled towards the surface. With that, oxygen concentration is low as well. The impact of this mixing event continues for a few days as air temperatures slowly increase towards the end of May. Nevertheless, for this time of the year, we see more negative than positive water temperature and Chlorophyll A anomalies. We will see how this changes with warmer temperatures in June.
Data from the Thetis profiler:
Water Temperature in °Celsius
Water Temperature Anomaly on daily resolution with respect to to the available daily climatology from Thetis so far in Kelvin
Dissolved Oxygen mg/L
Oxygen Saturation in %
Chlorophyll A in μg/L
Chlorophyll A Anomaly on daily resolution with respect to to the available daily climatology from Thetis so far in μg/L
Backscattering of light 700 nm in 1.e-2 m-1, representing zooplankton or larger particles in the water
Data from the automatic weather station:
Air Temperature in °Celsius
Wind Speend in m/s
Precipitation in mm
Data from the wave buoy:
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